Daemon start

To start the contractvm daemon for the first time, type:


The contractvm daemon provides a set of useful command line options; you can specify another daemon and api port, use a custom data directory, bootstrap from a seed list, and other technical things. By default, contractvmd will start in Bitcoin testnet chain (XTN), using bitpeer.py as backend.

There are also 2 daemon commands, for sending instructions to a running instance.

Usage: /usr/local/bin/contractvmd [OPTIONS]

Mandatory arguments:
        -h,--help                       display this help
        -V,--version                    display the software version
        -v,--verbose=n                  set verbosity level to n=[1-5] (default: 5)
        -D,--data=path                  specify a custom data directory path (default: /home/dakk/.contractvm)
        -d,--daemon                     run the software as daemon
        -c,--chain=chainname            block-chain ['XTN', 'DOGE', 'BTC', 'XLT', 'LTC']
        -b,--backend=protocol           backend protocol ['node', 'rpc', 'chainsoapi']
        -p,--port=port                  dht port
        -a,--api=bool                   disable or enable api framework
        --api-port=port                 set an api port
        -s,--seed=host:port,[host:port] set a contractvm seed peer list
        --discard-old-blocks            discard old blocks

Daemon commands:
        --restart                       restart the contractvmd instance
        --stop                          stop the contractvmd instance