Dappman: the dapp manager¶
Dappman is a command line tool which provides package manager features for contractvm dapps:
- Dapp installation from local or git repository
- Dapp updating and removal
- Dapp listing from a public catalog
- Dapp creation wizard
After each update (dapp installation/update/removal), dappman will automatically restart the contractvmd daemon with the new configuration.
Listing dapps¶
The contractvm infrastructure provide a repository (https://github.com/contractvm/dapp-list) that allows dapp developer to include their dapp in a public catalog, by performing a pull request.
Catalog and installed dapps are available with the “list” command:
dappman -l
The output of that command shows the list of installed, enabled and catalog dapps.
Installed dapps:
Enabled dapps:
empty - decentralized empty template
blockstore - decentralized key-value storage
helloworld - decentralized helloworld
fifomom - decentralized fifo message-oriented middleware
cotst - decentralized contract-oriented middleware based on timed session types
Installing a dapp¶
Installation of dapps is easy; first you need the catalog dapp name, or the dapp git-url, then you can use the “install” command. For example:
dappman -i blockstore
Or the equivalent:
dappman -i https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-blockstore.git
For developing purposes, it is also possible to install a dapp directly from the file system:
dappman -i /home/dakk/Repositories/dapp-blockstore/
All these variants are equivalent; dappman retrieves the dapp source, installing the client library and the dapp in the dapp directory. If the dapp is installed via git (catalog or git-url), then you can update an installed dapp by typing:
dappman -u blockstore
Removing a dapp¶
The removal of a dapp is similar to installation:
dappman -r blockstore
Note that this command remove only the source code of the dapp, preserving the current dapp state. You can also remove the dapp state by using:
dappman -c blockstore
Creating a new dapp¶
Using dappman, you can also create a new dapp through the dappman creation wizard. A new dapp is created starting from a template: you can use every available dapp as a template. For those who want only the dapp skeleton, an empty template called “empty” is available.
dappman -w
Dappman will ask some informations about your new dapp:
Dapp name: testdapp
Description: My first test dapp
Authors (comma separated): Davide Gessa
Select a template:
0 . empty (https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-empty)
1 . blockstore (https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-blockstore)
2 . helloworld (https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-helloworld)
3 . fifomom (https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-fifomom)
4 . cotst (https://github.com/contractvm/cvm-dapp-cotst)
Template: 0
Creating directory for dapp: testdapp
Downloading template: empty
Extracting template
Setting up directories
String replace for dapp name
Creating manifest.json
Dapp testdapp sucessfully created
You can now install your local dapp by typing: dappman -i /home/dakk/testdapp
After the creation wizard, in your current directory appears a new directory called as your new dapp, and you can directly install it. Further informations about dapp creation are provided in the next tutorial.